Printer cabinet
Printer cabinets can be easily combined with other storage furniture to create a uniform and stylish storage in the copy room or in the office. When you place the printer on the printer cabinet, a perfect ergonomic height is created because this cabinet is 704 mm high and lower than ordinary cabinets. This makes it possible to easily access the printer’s functions and create an ergonomic working position.
You can make your printer cabinet mobile with wheel sets or add adjustable legs in stainless steel. Stainless steel handles are included as standard, it is of course possible to get other colors or handles. Standard widths of 605, 800 and 900 mm.
Our best-selling color choice white now includes an extra UV coating as standard on all fronts, such as doors and drawers. This unique UV coating provides a durable, ultra-resistant surface, perfect for use in offices and public spaces. Our range also includes beech, birch and oak or you have the opportunity to choose any NCS color.
Products in white, beech, birch and oak are approved by Möbelfakta.