Reference: Kattegattgymnasiet, Halmstad
Kattegattgymnasiet is the EU's brain-smart ambassador school
Kattegattgymnasiet (High School) was opened in 2020 and is known as a "brain smart school," there's room for 1600 students and 200 teachers. In addition, the Kattegattgymnasiet is one of the European Parliament's ambassador schools aimed at promoting awareness of Europe and its parliaments.
TreCe has been honored to deliver both student lockers and recycling bins to Kattegattgymnasium. The student lockers consist of the product Storage locker CombiLine which have been adapted to the school's color theme. The lockers are equipped with padlock fittings so students can safely store their personal belongings.
For easy and stylish recycling the product Cloud has been chosen which is a mobile recycling unit with clear symbols and easy emptying. Cloud fits very well in the large and bright rooms, which in addition to classrooms contain a auditorium, a school library, and perhaps the most characteristic; a brain gym!
The brain gym, students can settle down in comfortable seats with a pair of VR glasses and watch the peaceful images of the forest and the trickling water. The brain gym is there to increase students' concentration and is part of the Brain Smart concept. Brain Smart aims to increase students' understanding of the brain and then offer different tools to find the right strategies. Something that is becoming increasingly important, especially with today's increased flow of information and mobile society. All of us at TreCe thinks this is super cool and point on in time!
TreCe wishes all students and teachers at Kattegattsgymnasiet good luck!